Saturday, May 7, 2016

It's amazing what can happen in a year

This morning I was flipping through my Timehop and it made me realize what my life was like a year ago. It's not something I enjoy thinking about, but when it resurfaces, it hits me pretty hard.

A year ago at this time, I was in the worst shape of my life - mentally speaking. Although, if I'm honest, I was also in the worst shape physically and emotionally. I was unsure about my future. I didn't see my value as a person or as a professional. I struggled to get out of bed every day because it felt like there wasn't a good reason to do so. Food was a constant in my life because it was something I could control.

At the time, I didn't have control over much of anything. I didn't have much control over where I lived because I didn't have an income. I didn't have control over what I drove because (again, no income) my car had crapped out on me and I had to borrow from a friend.
(Sidenote: an amazing friend who let me "have" her car until I could get one of my own - no strings attached. Who can say they have a friend like that?!)
I had no idea where I would work when the fall finally came, but I knew I had to have a job or the slope I was sliding down would become steeper. I was strained financially by daily/monthly costs, medical bills, and student loans that wouldn't go away.

None of my clothes fit, so I wore sweatpants - Regina George style - almost every day. I chose to spend my days floating in the pool because tan fat looks better than pale fat. Am I right, ladies?! I had no desire to go out with friends or to be in a social environment. I really struggled to get through each and every day. I started running, which only made things worse because I developed shin splints and saw no change in my body. I was discouraged.

I remember having an emotional breakdown in my bedroom. I was living in someone else's home so the only space that was private to me was the bedroom. It was the only place I could go to be alone, and alone was the only place I wanted to be. One day, I got another bill and it just broke me. I knew I couldn't pay it, I knew I literally did not have a way to pay it. I didn't know if I would be able to anytime soon. I didn't know what the future held for me. I was so broken and felt so alone; I just laid on the floor and listened to "Worn" by Tenth Avenue North. This is the song I listen to when I just need to break.

I've made mistakes 
I've let my hope fail
My soul feels crushedBy the weight of this worldAnd I know that you can give me restSo I cry out with all that I have left
Let me see redemption winLet me know the struggle endsThat you can mend a heart that's frail and torn
I want to know a song can riseFrom the ashes of a broken lifeAnd all that's dead inside can be rebornCause I'm worn

I laid in silence for a long time. Tears flowed down my face and across my cheeks. The carpet began to soak them all in. That's all I remember; I woke up the next morning laying in same spot on the floor next to my bed, eyes red and swollen and the carpet still damp. But my heart didn't feel the heaviness that I had felt just the night before. I got up, showered, got dressed, and I went on my way. I went out. I went alone…but I went out. 

Once the summer came, I went on interview after interview. I was denied time after time. I was made to feel worthless over and over. I knew it wasn't their intention, but it was the result. I prayed, and I felt nothing. (Looking back, I know it's because I wasn't listening and I wasn't trusting.)

Two months into this interviewing process, I headed down to Austin for an interview. This position seemed promising and I was so excited. Long story short, the position was not what I had expected and the interview did not go well. I came home and was so incredibly defeated once again. I got online to begin applying for MORE jobs.

Suddenly I came across an opening in the district that I ultimately wanted to work in. It had just been posted one hour earlier. I stared in disbelief for a moment. Then I clicked through and filled out my application. It was a Friday night so I expected to receive no result for quite some time. The following Monday I received a phone call. It was my former assistant principal that wanted to do a quick screening over the phone so I could be put into the interview pool. We scheduled it for Tuesday morning.

9 a.m. Tuesday morning, I went through the screening process and began to feel a little bit of hope. I hung up the phone and just took a deep breath. This time, I thanked The Lord for the opportunity. One hour later, my phone rang and an assistant principal from the high school wanted me to come in for an interview that afternoon. I stumbled through my nonchalant "yes" as the excitement bubbled up inside of me.

I received the job offer two days after my interview. They couldn't officially offer it because the job hadn't been posted for 10 days, but the job was mine. I was blown away. I had so much emotion coursing through my body, I couldn't react. I finally let out a scream.

So here I am, one year later.
This past year has been one of the most challenging and rewarding years of my life. I have learned so much about myself and I have learned just how much room I have to grow. I have had extreme highs and extreme lows. I am wearing clothes that have been tucked in the back of my closet for years because they didn't fit. I am living a healthy life, developing a knack for cooking, and rekindling my love for exercise. I am living in my own apartment with my pup, soaking in what I have worked for. I have a car that I can depend on because I worked my tail off to earn it. I am working a job that I love and enjoying going to [almost] every day. (hey, some days the bed seems so much more appealing…)

I am now in the place that I had pictured for myself a year ago. I have done things that I always wished I could do. I have gone places I had dreamed of going. I have accomplished things that I thought weren't possible. I have opened myself up and learned to trust in The Lord. I have learned that the path I create is not always the path I will walk down.

It is amazing what can happen in one year. It's so hard to remember the darkness that I found myself in just last year. But to see myself in the bright light that I now live in gives me hope for my future. I know that I can overcome anything. I know that if you dream it, you can do it. And to wrap up with another cliche, nothing is impossible.