Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Just got to thinking...

I would say I'm lucky, but I don't think "luck" has anything to do with it. I am blessed beyond belief.

I have been blessed with four wonderful roommates who have already filled my heart with joy. The laughter we all engage in warms my soul. Despite the stress and sadness that I feel at times, when I come home, it feels okay. It feels like a home; a safe place where I can let my hair down (actually put it up because I get tired of having it down!), throw on my sweats and relax in the company of people I love.

I have been blessed with two grandparents that go out of their way to show their love for me. If I need anything, they want to be the ones to provide it. Even when I don't need something, they want to provide it. Through all of the heartache and smiles and tears and laughter, they have stood by my side. They have been an example of love, both to my brother and me and to each other. Married for over 50 years, I know what a strong bond looks like. They set the bar for a marriage that I want.

I have been blessed with a brother and sister (and not to mention my two wonderful nieces) who look out for me in ways that I may not always realize. I can talk to them about anything with all judgment put aside. I can trust them with my thoughts, my emotions and my life. No matter where we go or what we do, laughter accompanies us. Lots of laughter. The kind other people might find obnoxious. We don't care.

I have been blessed with many friends that I can call my best friends. One of them has put up with me for almost 20 years. She carries with her a piece of my heart. I know that piece will never get lost or broken and I can't thank her enough for that. I have been blessed with her family. I may not have my father here on earth, but I do have hers. That man has loved me like my father loved me. Since my father passed, there is no one on this earth that I have yet to call "Dad" (in all seriousness) other than Saad Abouabdo. He is one of the biggest blessings I have. I look forward to having him as my father for the rest of my years. I know my father will be proud to sit back and watch Saad dance with me at my wedding and shake the hand of the man who he finds good enough for his daughter.

I am blessed. My life gets crazy. My heart gets broken. My dreams don't always come true. But I am so blessed. God has a plan for me that is greater than I could ever imagine. All of the heartache and pain that I face now will mean nothing when all of the pieces of my life fall together to paint such a beautiful picture of the life he created for me. Life is a blessing and I will treat mine as such.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

A new chapter.

"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."
       - 1 Corinthians 10: 13

"As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins...For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."
Epheshians 2: 1; 8-10

Man, do these speak volumes to me tonight. God is faithful beyond belief. He provides. He heals. He saves. 

Temptations can easily take hold of your life and drag you through some muddy waters. In high school, we used to go mudding. It was lots of fun. But, by the time you were done, mud covered everything. A lot of times, we didn't wash it off right away...it's just not fun if you wash it off as soon as you finish. You have to soak up the environment. (Plus, I hear people pay to lay in mud at spas...apparently it has some health benefits...? Thank you mother nature.) That stuff dried thick and heavy. You had to chip it off a little bit at a time. The windows, even after being grazed by the windshield wipers, were streaky and difficult to see through.

I think temptations, and lust, have the same effect. Our vision is clouded. Their weight bogs down our thoughts and our better judgement. We succumb to the ideas planted in our minds by Satan. He plants these ideas and they grow like wild bamboo, viciously stabbing through every bit of clarity we had. 

We give in to the worldly temptations that surround our everyday lives. The cursing, the gossiping, the lying, cheating, stealing. The list goes on and on. I can't say that I'm perfect and that I do not do any of these things. I admit to giving into temptations. However, I know that I am forgiven.

When you recognize your sins and make an effort to turn from them, you are making an effort to grow closer to the Lord. In the words of Matt Chandler, "When you move farther from the ways God makes you holy and closer to the ways you make you holy...When you move farther from the things God brings to the table for you and closer to the things you bring to the table for you, you are pulling yourself farther from His salvation."

I think I've focused too much on the things I bring to the table. The things I bring are NOTHING compared to what He has to offer me. Unfortunately, it took me this long to realize it. A new chapter in this book that I call "Life" has begun and I look forward to seeing how it ends. But, in the meantime, I'm going to enjoy writing the chapter. 

I have a lot to learn. But lucky for me, I am surrounded by friends and family who have a lot to teach. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Brisco Tacets

Exhaustion makes us funnier than usual. We say things and think things and dream things differently.

Last night I dreamed that someone moved into my room with me. Her (no idea who she was) little sister came in and started throwing things out of my closet. I woke up so angry.

Then, when I woke up this morning and tried to check the time on my phone, I dropped it on my face. Actually, it was square on the nose. I don't know if you've ever dropped something on your nose but it makes your eyes cry. Not fun.

After that, I put hand soap on my toothbrush and put the toothpaste in the trash can.

In the shower, I washed my hair. Then I put my body wash in my hair, so I had to shampoo all over again.

Went to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription and when asked by the pharmacist, "what's your birthday?" I responded "Um, no...it's not."

Tonight at dinner, I ordered Brisco Tacets. Lucky for me the waiter understood that I meant Brisket Tacos. There's no telling what I could have ended up with.

On the way home, I missed my exit. Then I made a split second decision to just take the next exit. Then I missed it too. Then I exited and turned around to get back on and go to the correct exit...then I missed it again. I really wasn't sure if I would ever get home.

I made it home. My neck hurt pretty bad. Fortunately, I am the proud owner of many tubes of Icy Hot. So I rubbed some of that miracle cream on. However, my eye began to itch. I used the OTHER hand to scratch it. But then as I left the bathroom, I scratched it again with the Icy Hot hand. Damn that short term memory of mine.

Now I'm home laying in my bed with a heating pad on my neck, one eye covered with a wet paper towel and a pretty painful bruise on my face from when I dropped my phone on it. And I can't even begin to count the number of times I've used the backspace key because my fingers are just kind of typing random letters. I keep thinking of the words I want to type and my fingers just kind of flow in a pattern kind of like ;alisjidoj lkjdosif woiejf wiensvsd.

I think I'm going to call it a night before I harm myself any more. Maybe sleep will cure this ailment of self-inflicted pain and the series of unfortunate events that has been my Saturday.