Sunday, January 30, 2011

Welcome to my blog!

My days are spent at school and work, but in between these wonderful occasions, my mind runs wild. Often times there are so many thoughts buzzing through my brain that I can't contain them all. If you know me at all, you know that I will share my thoughts openly. They don't always make sense to people who can't read my mind, which pretty much includes everyone since mind reading is nonexistent, but I express them to the best of my ability. Having said that, trying to expose my bewildering though process is not one of my strongest talents, but it does provide some entertainment for those who try to listen.

My free time, which comes in spurts, is usually spent with friends. The way I see it, I want to look back on my life one day and be happy with the choices I have made. I don't want to live with regrets; I don't want to grow up and think "I wish I had.." or "I wish I hadn't...".

I think everything happens for a reason! God has a plan for me. Even though I don't know what that plan is, and most of the time I wish I did, I try my best to understand that everything (good and bad) that happens in my life will lead me down the path God wants for me. I have been betrayed by people who were important to me and I couldn't see any reason to have to go through that kind of pain. But now that I am in such a wonderful place and have met such wonderful people, it all falls into place. That God is such a funny character. I'm really glad he has a sense of humor! Life would be pretty dull if he didn't.

Prepare for random stories about the nonsense that has occurred during my days and the blubbering sob stories that I have found purpose in. I promise not to bore you to death, but I guess if you find it boring, you can read it before bed and sleep peacefully! My gift to you...

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