Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How Time Flies

It's crazy to look back at your life.

1990: I was born.

1990-2007: Elementary School- when the hardest part of my day was deciding which lunch line to stand in and who to sit by. Junior High and High School- The most dramatic time of my life. The time when every young persons' hormones are racing and rubbing up against the boy you liked in the hallway gave you butterflies in your stomach...I gained many friends and grew apart from many friends.

Summer 2008 - my last year of youth camp. Oh, that summer was great...until I got home. My mother told me that while I was gone, my father had overdosed on his medications. He was still alive, but my spirit was broken. I began to imagine a life without my dad and I couldn't handle it. My dad and I talked about it, a lot. Our relationship, one that had never really existed, began to flourish that summer. I told him everything and talked to him every day. He was the person I trusted the most in the world.

October 7, 2008- the worst day of my life. This was the night I came home from work to discover that my father was not there. At 11:12 PM the police shared with us where they had found him. My mom, my brother and I huddled in a circle in the living room and cried. This day changed my life in ways I couldn't have imagined. It tore my life apart, but yet, it built it up.

2009-2010: I graduated from high school and moved away from mom's house. I started college and a brand new life. My mom got married in November of 2009. 2010 started off wonderfully. I started dating a wonderful guy and my roommates were the best people you could imagine. Things were perfect...until they broke my heart.

April 2010: It is so hard to think that this was one year ago. A year ago, I sat in my room, heartbroken and alone. The four people that were the most important in my life no longer felt the same. He left me for his ex-girlfriend, and my 3 best friends pushed me away. I spent that entire month completely alone. If it weren't for the grace of God and Krystal Stroud, I don't know where I would be. That angel gave me the strength and the direction to move on from the "terrible four".

From then to now: The last year of my life has truly tested me. I am so thankful for the way things have turned out. I hate that I had to go through the heartache, but honestly, I think you have to face some heartache before you can truly be happy. I am at such a wonderful point in my life. I miss my father every day of my life and I am not happy that he is gone. But I am thankful for the time we did have together and for all the things he has instilled in me. I am a strong, smart, beautiful, thoughtful, honest, hardworking woman. I have my mother and my father to thank for that. Working through the obstacles in your life is what makes you strong and it is what makes the final destination so much better. Just being handed a wonderful life is not rewarding, but realizing what you had to overcome to get there is the best feeling in the world.

Time really does fly by. There are horrible times, and there are wonderful times. There are times that you wish you could go through again because they were so much fun, and there are times that you wish you could go through again so things would turn out differently. But no matter what times you have had in your life, you have been built up. Look at the person you are and be thankful for those who got you to that point.

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