Friday, September 16, 2011

Brief update

I am incredibly happy.

I am fairly stressed and concerned about school. I'm learning to balance it with work.

But I am happy. It's nice to know that I still can be. Sometimes life gets you down. It's hard to get back up with life hits you in the face with a sack of bricks. But once you finally get back up, it takes a bigger hit to knock you down the next time.

My thought is that eventually, nothing can knock you over. Nothing can stand in your way. Nothing can stop you. I'm on my way to that point. I still get knocked over by some heavy blows, each one worse than the one before. But I jump back up and look life straight in the face and say "bring it on".

...looking back, that's probably not such a great idea because life brings it.

But like I said, I'm happy right now. I have a lot of wonderful people in my life. People who make me smile, make me happy, make me feel like I'm worth something. People who lift me up, hold my hand when I need a friend, let me talk when I need to vent, or let me listen to their life's issues so I can see that my life isn't really that rough.

I am happy. So for those of you who have helped me get to this point of bliss, thank you. You know who you are.

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