Thursday, September 22, 2011


WARNING: The following is me incessantly bitching about what frustrates me. If you don't wanna hear it, I suggest you stop reading.

Things (you're thinking and I'm actually saying) that really make me mad sometimes...

People who put their headphones on and then turn the music up so loud that everyone around them can hear it. Seriously...?

When people talk obnoxiously loud on the phone on the bus. No one wants to hear you yell about what you had for dinner or what your BFF said to you last night.

When people ask a question in class that the professor literally just answered four and a half seconds ago.

People who think it's acceptable to leave the house in what they're wearing. Some things are just not socially acceptable.

**Men who think they're God's gift to women. Please stop acting like you are.

**Women who think they're God's gift to men. Please stop acting like you are.

When people smack their gum, I want to smack their face. Learn how to chew with your mouth closed or spit the gum out.

People who ask to "borrow" my homework. I realize you're going to give it back, so technically yes, you are borrowing. But that's after you STEAL my answers. No thanks.

Getting a million texts from someone after you don't respond. There's a reason I'm not responding. That reason is NOT because I want you to continue texting me...

Creepers who try to friend request you on Facebook. If you're from a foreign land and I've never met you, don't send me a message in broken English asking to be my friend.

Wal*Mart. I think this one is self explanatory.

When people expect you to know why they're mad. Hello? I'm no mind reader...

When I kindly lend out a pen because the sad girl next to me forgets to bring hers to class and asks to use mine. AND THEN LEAVES WITH IT. Pens are not free.

OKAY, enough about the people who make me mad. Let's move on to first world issues.

When you're running really late in the morning and you forget to put a new roll of toilet paper on the rack. And then you come home from class and run into the bathroom. Only to remember that this morning you were running really late and forgot to do something very important.

When you get everything out to cook dinner and realize you're missing one ingredient. But that ingredient is always something you have to have to cook...

When you sit down to watch TV and realize the remote is just far enough away that you have to get up to get it...

OR when you try everything imaginable (including virtually impossible, yet very creative methods) to reach something only to end up getting off your lazy butt to get it.

When you have a coupon and they tell you "the coupon code is not valid". THEN GIVE ME A NEW COUPON CODE.

When two shows that you want to watch come on at the same time and you have to decide which one to watch on Hulu the next day.

The list goes on and on. But I'm currently debating between which two shows I should watch in 10 I need to go make that decision. Life is rough :)

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