Monday, January 16, 2012

So what's your "type"?

I really don't like when people ask "so, what do you look for in a guy?" or "what's your type?".

First of all, I don't necessarily "look" for anything. But second of all, there's a standard answer that you'll get from any girl.

"Honest, good sense of humor, fun, outgoing, smart, hardworking, likes me for who I am..." blah. blah. blah! DUH That's what everyone wants in a significant other. So let's get a little more personal for a minute here.

When I was about 14, my Sunday School teacher told us we needed to make a list. We needed to list the qualities/standards we expect in a man and to never stray from them. I found my list recently. There are two sides.

Side One- "What I Want In A Guy":

Respectful of self and others
Loves children
Similar interests
Likes me for me
Likes my family
Loves his family
Inner beauty
Same beliefs/views

Side Two- "What I Don't Want In A Guy":

Dislikes children
Dirty Mouth
Stuck up/self centered
No respect for my boundaries
Dislikes my family
Not family oriented
Different interests
Low self-esteem

Though it's hard to say exactly what you want out of a relationship, I obviously knew myself pretty well because these are still applicable to my life. But when I look back at my past relationships, I can see where I strayed:
  • The ones who don't find the time to text/call/talk to me. 
  •  The ones who don't find the time to spend with me, take me on a date, show that he truly cares about me. 
  •  The ones who think it's okay to disrespect me in any way. 
  •  The ones who complain about spending money on me. I don't ask for things, I don't expect him to buy me anything. But an occasional date (movie, dinner, day at the museum) shouldn't be a burden on him. 
  •  The ones who are jealous. Jealousy is not attractive. I have MANY male friends because that's how I grew up. Boys don't bring drama, they don't bicker about petty things, they are enjoyable. If a guy is jealous of my friendships and can't trust me, it's a no-go. 
  •  The ones who like to only call/text late at night. We all know what that means. You're not getting anything from me. 
  •  The ones who objectify women. Talking about me (or any girls, for that matter) as if I'm some kind of object is not something that I admire. 

One day, a handsome man in his Tony Llamas with an appropriate amount of facial hair will ride up in his beautiful Dodge listening to Jason Aldean and will proceed to sweep me off my feet as we drive through the country and gaze at the stars. BUT, until that dream comes true, I'm just going to enjoy my life. I'm going to listen to the 14-year-old Allison. She knew what she was talking about.

And the challenge begins.

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