Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Umm, hey. It's snowing.

this is where we kinda froze to death.
So I guess if I just said something like "it's cold, I made a snowman, it's snowing, there's no school, it's cold, blah blah blah" I could be done with today's post. But that's not gonna happen. Of course, I have a good story to share.

We thought it would be a good idea to run to Wal-Mart for some snackage and drinkage. However, like I've said before, God has a sense of humor. We made it out of the apartment complex and through one stoplight before the people in front of us came to a stop. Naturally, we also stopped. This is where our problem began; once we stopped, we couldn't get enough traction to start again. Carson was driving, so I got out to push. This was clearly a brilliant idea since I have the strength of 1,000 men.

As you could have guessed, my incredible strength was just not enough. Erin got out to help just as a few friends pulled up in a truck behind us and got out to help. Please, get this image in your head: 

An orange Jeep Liberty is stuck across two lanes of traffic. 4 small females are pushing behind it with all their might. One white SUV with two poor excuses for men inside FLY past them. Not a single person offers to help. Did you get an image? Well now take that image and add rainboots to the girls' feet, colorful scarves and gloves, and a concerned expression on Carson's face. I don't know if the image in your mind will come close to how funny it really was.

We finally got the Jeep into a parking lot and walked back to our apartment. However, we did manage to stop at a gas station on the way home. You can't leave thinking you'll return with delicious snacks and then return empty handed!! We walked back home in the ice and snow. After that adventure I have two things to say:

1. Those stories our parents tell us about how they
walked to school in 10 feet of snow, barefoot, uphill
are all total crap.
2. If I had to walk to school in 10 feet of snow, barefoot, 
uphill, both ways, I would go to school a lot less 
than I do now.

Quote of the Day:

"I'm pretty sure there is snow in my butt crack!"
--Carson Tully: after making a snow angel. 


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